I created this software to help me keep track of various school related events and deadlines without needing to clutter the calendar I use outside of school. Our school uses this website called Moodle to provide us with study materials and exercises and Moodle has this timeline feature where you can easily see the upcoming deadlines for your tasks. I really liked this feature so I wanted to implement it to my own calendar too.
The calendar was made using Node.js JavaScript runtime environment. Express and MongoDB libraries are utilized on the backend, while frontend was created with pure JavaScript, HTML and CSS. So no fancy UI libraries there. Authentication was also implemented with Auth0 login using the express-openid-connect library.
The application allows the user to create, edit, and delete events for specific days. The user can also mark events as done, which will then be displayed with a strikethrough on the calendar.
The timeline displays all the upcoming events for a given month. Upcoming events that are marked as done are not shown on the timeline.